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Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Why do you have to carry
the weight on your shoulders successfully for
the generation of the past, present an also
the future?
Strive to awake to eash yourself
for a thorough rehabilitation.
Thurning the leaves
that depict the culture which hold the
mirror of society
A thorough clean-up
and clear the dark shadows in truth and trust.
The immense vocabulary
in varying styles throw a glimpse of all times.
A storehouse of knowledge
works to uplift the need of humanity with
gratitude and reference.
to check the follies and to carve
the lives of such past glory in hope of more.


Kartz said...

Thought provoking... Liked the metaphors used.

Das said...

Good encouragement. thanks, I liked it

Das said...

Life is like a mirror-refletions of our deeds.