A quiet and windy night
When the babes have just gone to sleep,
Nature awaits for me;
Not to mock-but to keep close to me,
Share the warmth and to exchange feelings.
Get mixed up with frenzy thoughts.
Crowds seemed too hostile
And lacks patience to overcome the hazards piled before them.
Fog begins to fall and I hug closer for warmth.
Quite a long way I trod each day
Just for an acquaintence-not to disappoint.
Roads turn rough and weather rather cruel,
From the hostile crowd, I find a soothing touch.
My first lessons begins from here.
Where none cared to give.
Essential qualities and basic concepts of a near complete and total living
Sinks deep within me
The missing chink eludes me, for I am in no hurry.
With a sudden impule I turn,
A few hundred yards behind a frail lady,
Rather grim faced and obcessed with feae.
In a secluded and dangerous place all alone fo an unknown date.
For a date with nature,
A question remained unanswerwed.
I stopped for her to come up,
Looked at her face,
Gracefulness and simplicity clearly shows.
Without a word we moved.
She seemed assured,
An urge to break the silence, proved inconclusive.
In front of a mansion she stopped and looked,
She smiled and thanked me.
A smile worth a fortune
Thawed the snow around.
A sudden wave of enthusiasm
And the light that seemed to fade-brightened.
With unbound happiness
Overflowing with emotions,
I carried on.
That first encounter
Was the beginning of a new chapter-
Gratitude for kindness.